Book: "The Magic of Thinking Big".

Any achievement you want to have, however difficult it may seem, has to start with the idea that it can be achieved; This is where the difference between mediocrity and greatness is.


Book: "The Magic of Thinking Big".

In the 1960s Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first man to reach space.Many of the achievements that humans have had, such as going into space, have been thanks to the belief that things can be achieved, limits can be surpassed and many of our paradigms and old beliefs can be disproved and debunked.

Any achievement you want to have, no matter how difficult it may seem, has to start with the idea that it can be achieved; this is where the difference between mediocrity and greatness lies.


1 -Believe that you can succeed and you will:

Henry Ford used to say, "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you are right."

Many of the astronauts as children dreamed of going into space and feeling zero gravity; others want to do great things, but they always start their projects with a defeatist attitude saying "I'll try, but I don't think it will work. This is the attitude that breaks all the dreams and goals of a person, how do you want to achieve great things if you don't have the confidence in yourself, how do you want to go to space if you start thinking that these things are impossible to achieve?

It is very important to clarify that thinking big and wanting to go to space is not all that is needed, because all goals and challenges in life require a lot of sacrifice and effort, you probably have to study a doctorate and you have to be many other things to achieve it, but this is the first thing you have to keep in mind. Remember that success is not a straight line, success has many peaks, troughs and moments where you will question if you are doing the right thing, but always focus on your goal. It doesn't matter how big it is, because even if you don't achieve this specific goal you will have grown a lot as a person and you won't regret not having tried.

2 -Cure yourself of "excusitis", the disease of failure:
The author explains that "excusitis" is a disease suffered by that person who has gone nowhere and has no plan to get out of the mediocrity in which he or she finds him or herself and shields himself or herself with an arsenal of reasons to explain why he or she does not succeed. The disease of "excusitis" can present itself in different forms or symptoms, such as the "excusitis" of health or the "excusitis" of intelligence, the "excusitis" of age, and the "excusitis" of luck.

What I do whenever I find myself making any of these excuses for not getting to work on my goals, objectives or dreams, I remember what J.K. Rowling, the writer of Harry Potter, did.She had ended her marriage, with a very difficult divorce,apart single mother with a new born daughter, added diagnosed with depression, with no money in her pocket and on government assistance.She started writing her book on an old typewriter at night while her daughter slept next to her. The first book in the Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone series was rejected by 12 publishing houses and finally the last publisher bought it for only four thousand dollars.Today he has sold over 400 million books and his books have been translated into over 79 languages and he even has an amusement park.So every time you find yourself making excuses think that there have been people with far more difficulties and problems than most of us can have and yet they were not impediments to achieving their dreams.

What is your excuse for not achieving your goals?


3-Adopt the habit of action:

One daywhen we were in college, I was talking to a friend of mine and he told me that when he graduated he was going to start a business. My friend graduated with one of the highest GPAs of our generation, but he felt he needed to prepare himself a little more and went on to graduate school, earning a graduate degree in business. Five years after leaving college, I saw him again and asked him what happened to the business he was going to start? And he started talking to me about the risks. He was never taught to look at the opportunities, he focused only on the excuses or risks for not doing it and forgot about the opportunities, he asked himself "do I have enough capital, am I in a good economic cycle to start my business, is there demand for my products?

The book gives us five very simple tips to always get into the habit of action:

1 Don't wait for conditions to be perfect because they never will be, you have to keep in mind that obstacles and difficulties are going to come in the future, and you are going to have to solve them as they come.

2 Ideas alone are not successful, ideas only have value when you act on them.

3 Use action to cure fear and gain confidence. Face what you fear the most and the fear will disappear. Try it and see the results.

4 Think about doing things now. Don't wait for tomorrow, next week, later; all these excuses are synonymous with failure.

5 Do not waste time waiting to be ready to act, the time to act is now.


If you want to know more about our training proposal in aesthetic medicine, we encourage you to contact us. We will solve your doubts and advise you on what you need.

Dr. Manuel Rubio Sanchez

aesthetic doctor


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